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Shahar and Nashlah, the powerhouse duo from Curious Mondo, are here to take you on a fun-filled 90-minute joyride into the world of digital learning. Prepare to get the insider's scoop on the bustling info industry, and navigate the maze of shifting consumer behavior in the digital landscape. You'll get a backstage pass to the magical world of Curious Mondo and the captivating 500 courses we've conjured.
As the dynamic mother-daughter duo behind Curious Mondo, Shahar and Nashlah bring a rich tapestry of experience, passion, and vision to the world of e-learning. Both have dedicated their lives to working with entrepreneurs and business owners, recognizing the profound impact of continual skill enhancement and a purpose-driven approach.
Shahar - With a background that spans speaking to large audiences since 1990 and an academic foundation in E-commerce, she is not just a seasoned entrepreneur but a passionate advocate for small business marketing, consumer behavior, and trends. Her commitment to fostering an environment where learning meets passion shines through in every endeavor.
Nashlah - A business communication expert who, even at a young age, partnered with her mother on innovative online projects. Having embarked on this journey since 1998, she brings a fresh, yet experienced perspective to the realm of digital education.
Their shared mission? To inspire creation. For Shahar and Nashlah, it's about enabling individuals to find their voice, tell their unique stories, and craft something that adds beauty and meaning to the world. By harnessing the power of education, they believe in not just transforming individuals but uplifting entire communities. Through their hands-on approach, they've shown countless learners that they have the power to change their reality.